Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 711-722Publisher
DOI: 10.1109/TBDATA.2020.2979443
Air pollution; Correlation; Training; Monitoring; Big Data; Data models; Gallium nitride; Missing data recovery; context encoder; long-short term model; sliding window; adaptive training
- Theme-based Research Scheme, Research Grants Council, the Hong Kong SAR Government [T41-709/17-N]
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Air pollution has become a global challenge, and obtaining real-time air quality information is urgently needed. This article proposes a novel method for recovering missing air pollution data, which can handle irregular missing data patterns and introduces a new data preprocessing strategy.
Air pollution has become a global challenge, and obtaining real-time air quality information is urgently needed. Although the governments have been trying their best in delivering accurate air quality reports, missing air pollution data remains a key challenge. Based on the temporal-spatial correlation of the data, we propose a novel long-short term context encoder (LSCE) structure for recovering missing air pollution data. The original context encoder approach based on image completion focuses on reconstructing rectangular missing regions. Differing from traditional methods, our fully convolutional neural network architecture enjoys the following novelties. First, LSCE can recover irregular missing data patterns. Second, we devise two data pre-processing strategies to produce two types of context encoders, namely, the long-short term cutting context encoder (LSCCE) and the long-short term sliding context encoder (LSSCE). Compared with LSCCE, LSSCE increases the number of training data matrixes. Finally, we investigate the significance of adaptive training in addressing different types of missing data. Our simulation results have demonstrated that our approach, especially, LSSCE, can outperform existing missing data recovery methods. Besides, our techniques can be widely applicable for recovering other temporally and spatially correlated missing data, such as vehicular traffic or meteorology data.
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