4.3 Article

Learning tourism and hospitality subjects with massive open online courses (MOOCs): A cross-sectional and longitudinal study


DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100276


Massive open online courses (MOOCs); Autonomy; Competence; Relatedness; Structural equation model; Longitudinal multilevel model


  1. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan [108-2511-H-328-001-]

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The study found that autonomy and competence significantly affect students' engagement in learning about tourism and hospitality subjects through MOOCs, which have attracted many in-service staff members as learners. Time was identified as a significant factor, while work status did not have a significant impact on engagement.
This study investigates the factors that affect learners' engagement in learning about tourism and hospitality subjects using massive open online courses (MOOCs). Study 1 recruited 361 participants and surveyed their self-determination to learn the subjects through MOOCs. The results of the structural equation model indicated that autonomy and competence significantly affect students' engagement. Study 2 adopted a longitudinal multilevel model to investigate the engagement of twelve participants during a 10-week MOOC. Their work status was included as a variable because MOOCs have attracted many in-service staff members as learners. The MLM results showed that time was a significant factor, whereas status was not.


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