4.8 Article

The neural architecture of language: Integrative modeling converges on predictive processing


DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2105646118


deep learning; computational neuroscience; language comprehension; neural recordings (fMRI and ECoG); artificial neural networks


  1. Takeda Fellowship
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Shoemaker Fellowship
  3. SRC Semiconductor Research Corporation
  4. Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMedia Lab Consortia
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Singleton Fellowship
  6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Presidential Graduate Fellowship
  7. Friends of theMcGovern Institute Fellowship
  8. Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines - NSF STC [CCF-1231216]
  9. NIH [R01-DC016607, R01-DC016950, U01-NS121471]
  10. Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department
  11. McGovern Institute for Brain Research at theMassachusetts Institute of Technology

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A recent approach in neuroscience has connected computation, brain function, and behavior to provide new insights into cognitive and neural mechanisms. Powerful transformer models in language processing can predict neural responses and correlate with model accuracy on next-word prediction task.
The neuroscience of perception has recently been revolutionized with an integrative modeling approach in which computation, brain function, and behavior are linked across many datasets and many computational models. By revealing trends across models, this approach yields novel insights into cognitive and neural mechanisms in the target domain. We here present a systematic study taking this approach to higher-level cognition: human language processing, our species' signature cognitive skill. We find that the most powerful transformer models predict nearly 100% of explainable variance in neural responses to sentences and generalize across different datasets and imaging modalities (functional MRI and electrocorticography). Models' neural fits (brain score) and fits to behavioral responses are both strongly correlated with model accuracy on the next-word prediction task (but not other language tasks). Model architecture appears to substantially contribute to neural fit. These results provide computationally explicit evidence that predictive processing fundamentally shapes the language comprehension mechanisms in the human brain.


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