Late Breaking Science posters657Aldehyde Dehydrogenase2 regulates senescence in the vascular endothelium658Monoamine oxidase is over-activated in the left and right ventricles from human ischemic hearts: an intriguing therapeutic target659A novel assay for regulating transcription factors by flow660Remote ischaemic conditioning reduces infarct size in animal in vivo models of ischaemia-reperfusion injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis661The Role of Histone Methyl-transferase G9a in Heart Homeostasis and Cardiac Hypertrophy: a Potential Therapeutic Target for Heart Failure663The extracellular matrix SPARCs cardiac contraction during health and disease664A proteomic investigation into the mechanisms of VEGF-adhesion receptor crosstalk in endothelial cells665Assessing the role of PMCA1 in arrhythmia development relating to β-adrenergic signalling667The expression of beta myosin isoform MYH7B correlates with severity of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy668Spatial heterogeneity of sympathetic response in the rabbit myocardium

Late Breaking Science posters657Aldehyde Dehydrogenase2 regulates senescence in the vascular endothelium658Monoamine oxidase is over-activated in the left and right ventricles from human ischemic hearts: an intriguing therapeutic target659A novel assay for regulating transcription factors by flow660Remote ischaemic conditioning reduces infarct size in animal in vivo models of ischaemia-reperfusion injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis661The Role of Histone Methyl-transferase G9a in Heart Homeostasis and Cardiac Hypertrophy: a Potential Therapeutic Target for Heart Failure663The extracellular matrix SPARCs cardiac contraction during health and disease664A proteomic investigation into the mechanisms of VEGF-adhesion receptor crosstalk in endothelial cells665Assessing the role of PMCA1 in arrhythmia development relating to β-adrenergic signalling667The expression of beta myosin isoform MYH7B correlates with severity of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy668Spatial heterogeneity of sympathetic response in the rabbit myocardium
Volume 111, Issue suppl 1, Pages S117-S119
Oxford University Press (OUP)

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