Essential Science Conversations: The Effects of Heat and Air Pollution on the Brain and Behavior

American Psychological Association · Jul 21, 2023
In this webinar, APA will provide psychologists, other mental health professionals, scientists, and practitioners with a deeper appreciation of biopsychosocial impacts caused by climate change and air pollution associated with fossil fuel use, to support their engagement in efforts to mitigate these risks.
Controversies in Dementia Research
Controversies in Dementia Research
A New Theory: Lipedema is Caused by Subclinical Compartment Syndrome
A New Theory: Lipedema is Caused by Subclinical Compartment Syndrome
Robotic Aortic Valve Replacement (RAVR) - A New Alternative for Aortic Valve Disease
Robotic Aortic Valve Replacement (RAVR) - A New Alternative for Aortic Valve Disease
Climate Change, Health and Equity Among Minority and Vulnerable Populations A Public Health Approach
Climate Change, Health and Equity Among Minority and Vulnerable Populations A Public Health Approach

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