Producing and Utilizing Posters - Beyond the Conference


May 11, 2023 09:00 PM in Beijing, Shanghai Switch Time Zone
Dr. Clark Holdsworth

Senior Manager, Communications & Partnerships (LetPub)

Dr. Holdsworth oversees communications projects and partnerships at LetPub. LetPub has thousands of interactions with authors and journals annually. Dr. Holdsworth and the Learning Nexus Team filter these experiences into an intuitive and effective educational experience for authors and journal editors.

The conference poster is the earliest major form of scientific communication for any researcher. It is critical to learn and optimize this form of communication at the early stage of an academic’s career. The first half of this webinar aims to provide a set of approaches and techniques for designing and producing a poster using basic, widely available software. However, this is only part of the learning that must take place. Posters are an incredibly useful tool, and they present opportunities for sharing and adapting research beyond the borders of the conference. The second aim of this webinar is creating a plan to make your webinar a permanent record within the scientific corpus and sharing it widely. Join us at 9:00 AM EST on Thursday May 11.

Topics include:
• Software options
• Parts of the poster
• Adapting an abstract
• Handling figures
• Achieving brevity
• Creating a sharing plan

A certificate of completion will be provided after the session.
Not sure if you can attend? Register now to watch this webinar on-demand at a time that is convenient for you.

Join this webinar at 9:00 AM EST on Thursday May 11.

[REMINDER]: The Peeref International Poster Challenger is currently ongoing. The Best Presentation category is still open!
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