Reviewer Roulette


Peer Review Antagonist Impractical Material Sciences

Referee 1: However, I believe that the authors have a considerable misunderstanding of the research on microwave absorbing materials.
Referee 2:
the authors should concern why their previous paper couldn't raise attention to the readers.
Referee 3:
The English is very poor and does not help the reader to get the meaning. The manuscript may be suitable for mathematical journals rather than physical journals.

- Comment from Physica Scripta reviewer

★★★★★ 4.5

Context by Author

The referees have not read the manuscript carefully and thus they are unable to point out the flaws in our arguements.
The comments are not enough to reject the manuscript.
Overturning accepted theory is not an easy task. If the presentations of the papers are unclear, the autors cannot have published so many papers on the subject.


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