Reviewer Roulette


Peer Review Antagonist Impractical Physics

Reviewer #1: I am sorry but the paper was not really improved. The construction of the sentences is grammatically and semantically incorrect. Then, in my opinion, the present manuscript cannot be considered for the publication in an international journal.
About the physics, I sincerely believe that the results are not correct. The author reminds that time operator cannot be defined in quantum theory. However, the Mandelstam-Tamm formulation of energy-time uncertainty relation can be viewed as a way to formalize such an heuristic (old-quantum) inequality. Let us remark that Mandelstam-Tamm inequality applies to relativistic theory without any modification (see e.g. arXiv:0803.0527 [hep-ph]). If the "relativistic Heisenberg uncertainty" (RHU) presented by the author has problems which can be only solved in 7-dimensions, maybe it is due to the fact it is wrong.
I cannot recommend the paper for publication in Annals of Physics.

- Comment from Annals of Physics reviewer

★★☆☆☆ 2.3

Context by Author

Reviwer comment on the grammatical aspect and conceptual problem in physics. About the Physics, reviewer and I had different interpretation about time operator in quantum mechanics. He/she was failed to focus on the main problem and did not get the point I would like to discuss by redundantly commenting on the time regarding if it would be treated as operator or parameter. The main problem is invariance of the Heisenberg uncertainty under 4-D Lorentz symmetry.


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