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Design of composite with enhanced photothermal and conductive properties based on recycled PET and UiO-66

PUBLISHED June 28, 2023 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2306p3554053)



Dmitry Kogolev1 , Nadezhda Metalnikova1 , Pavel Postnikov1
  1. Research School of Chemistry and Applied Biomedical Sciences, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia

Conference / event

8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials ASAM-8, July 2023 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)

Poster summary

The upcycling of waste polymers into novel materials with high added value is a vital task for modern chemical engineering. Here, we propose diversifying waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) upcycling to materials with enhanced photothermal properties by laser-assisted carbonization of surface-grown UiO-66. The UiO-66 homogenous layer was formed using a solvo-thermal procedure on the surface of recycled PET sheets. The treatment by a 405 nm laser system allowed the formation of a carbonaceous layer with enhanced electrical conductivity and photothermal properties due to the presence of zirconium carbide and graphene. The developed approach opens new perspectives in the application of upcycled PET-based materials.


Metal-organic framework, Functional upcycling, Polyethylene terephthalate, Waste utilisation, Zirconium carbide, Graphene

Research areas

Chemistry, Material Sciences


  1. Q. Y. Wu et al., Adv. Energy Sustain. Res., 2021, 2, 2000056
  2. D. Kogolev et al., J. Mater. Chem. A., 2023, 11, 1108
  3. P. Wang et al., ACS Nano., 2017, 11, 3752


  1. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (No. 075-15-2022-244)

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Competing interests
No competing interests were disclosed.
Data availability statement
The datasets generated during and / or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Creative Commons license
Copyright © 2023 Kogolev et al. This is an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Kogolev, D., Metalnikova, N., Postnikov, P. Design of composite with enhanced photothermal and conductive properties based on recycled PET and UiO-66 [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2023 (poster).
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