Verified Reviews - Bioengineered
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

菡舍 2023-02-21

It has been 7 months since it was revised, but there is still no news. Does anyone have any updates? Are they still accepting articles recently? Has the magazine returned to normal?

Grin丶研 2023-01-06

Do you have the contact email for this journal? I have submitted to this journal 6 months ago and am still waiting for a decision.

anyichengbao 2023-01-05

I have previously submitted articles to the second and third district journals, but no editor requested the original data for protein gel bands. When I submitted to this journal in 2021, after two revisions, it was finally accepted on the condition that I provide all the complete original data for the protein gel bands. At that time, I thought this journal in the fourth district was very rigorous. I didn't expect it to enter the second district journal by the end of 2022. It's a cause for celebration!

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