Verified Reviews - Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

lin-ustb 2023-05-29

First submission, the research is on the regulation of gas pipeline network systems, which should be more in line with the scope of the journal.
The editor has high requirements for formatting, so it is recommended to carefully read the author's guide for both submission and revision.
Submitted on November 21, 2022, multiple formatting changes were made in between, and it was sent back to the author.
On December 9, 2022, it was with the editor and still under review, I don't remember clearly.
On March 6, 2023, it was revised, with minimal content changes, just minor revisions.
On March 14, 2023, the first review result was uploaded.
On March 20, 2023, the formatting was modified and sent back to the author.
On May 18, 2023, it was accepted.

MM&cc 2023-03-08

How long did it take to reply?

Jewenchao 2023-01-17

Because it is originally in the direction of oil and gas pipeline transportation, the things we make also conform to it. The layout requirements for the initial draft are relatively high, and it has been revised many times.

柠檬茶987 2022-09-29

8.29 submission
Still Under Review

辣个艾么题 2022-01-19

ASCE's long-established specialized publication in the field of pipelines has a high level of recognition within the civil engineering industry. The peer review comments are very professional and hit the nail on the head, but the only downside is that the publication cycle is too long.

cedarpine 2021-11-01

Yes, it is related to the pipe system.

FMY 2021-10-21

Hello, is the manuscript you submitted related to the pipeline?

cedarpine 2021-09-02

Underwent a second revision, accepted after modification, the manuscript review was very professional and the speed was also very fast.

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