Verified Reviews - Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

LCH950217 2022-08-14

Stayed in the hands of the editor for two months, reviewed for two months, and after receiving the reviewers' comments, it stayed with the editor for another month. There were two reviewers, with a total of 20 suggestions for improvement, which were very good. The editor was given half a month to make major revisions, and it was sent back for acceptance after three days. It seems like the editors of this journal work according to a fixed schedule every month, haha!

源来是洲董 2022-06-24

How is the review speed of this magazine? Has anyone shared the submission process?

zsydjjbrt 2021-09-09

The editing is very good, so it should be relatively easy to accept. I have accepted it after major revisions. The only issue is that the overall speed of the journal is slow. Everything else is very good.

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