Verified Reviews - International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Annia 2022-06-17

Senior, hello, could you please provide me with a time frame? How long does it usually take to receive the first trial? I am currently in the midst of investing.

AKrauser 2021-09-17

No one has evaluated this journal, it seems that there are few uncertain analysts. This IJUQ is not a well-established journal, but there are too few existing UQ journals (the authoritative ones are only RESS and SIAM-UQ, and RESS is not exclusively focused on UQ). Therefore, more and more people are submitting to this journal, and the level is also getting higher. Now, the impact factor is higher than SIAM-UQ. Overall, the quality is good. It is a journal with potential for growth.

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