Verified Reviews - Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

胖纸科研 2023-07-02

08-May-2022 Submitted to Journal
The process of editing and review went quickly.
25-May-2022 Minor Revision
12-Jun-2022 Submitted to Journal
24-Jun-2022 Accept, Awaiting Production Checklist
It usually takes about six months for the journal to receive and publish the paper.
Overall, the submission process went relatively smoothly.
Impact Factor: 4.6, second quartile. Hoping for the continued success of the journal.

闪闪的砂砾 2022-11-22

What you said is right. It's easy to say within the circle, but it's not easy to say outside the circle.

小绵羊耶 2022-07-06

Small circle journal, not difficult but also difficult, not difficult but also difficult!

胖纸科研 2022-05-10

Is this magazine good? I wonder how fast the review process is.

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