Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

论文算个屁 2022-09-24

submitted on December 12, 2021
approved on April 5, 2022
published online on June 24, 2022

小明 2022-09-20

April 18, 2022 - Submitted to journal
April 19, 2022 - Under review
July 11, 2022 - Back to author with reviewers' comments
July 27, 2022 - Revision submitted to journal
July 28, 2022 - Under review (second round)
August 28, 2022 - Accepted

Overall, the editor and reviewers have been very good, providing professional comments and being accommodating towards the content of the research. The speed has been relatively fast and I am overall satisfied. I like ASCE's formatting style, it is simple and comfortable.

大东华 2022-06-30

Analysis articles submission, review process is very strict.

zzxcccv 2022-04-15

The authoritative journal in the field of civil engineering mechanics, with a good reputation despite not having a high Impact Factor (IF). The editors are very serious and have strict formatting requirements. The reviewers' opinions are quite professional, and the review speed is also satisfactory. It is a journal worth paying attention to.

中木虫 2022-03-09

One month after submission, the first round of comments will be returned. After three rounds of revisions, the article will be accepted. The total duration is approximately four months. The review comments are constructive, and the journal editor is responsible. It has a good industry recognition and is worth submitting.

Lucky Judy 2021-06-18

Just submitted and it showed "Submitted to Journal". At that time, the email notification indicated that it had been delivered to the editor for the review process. Afterwards, I didn't pay much attention. Two days later, it showed "under review". Does this mean it has been sent for review? However, I haven't received any email notifications since submitting, so I'm getting a bit anxious.

Rock_Wang 2021-06-17

Generally, there is no notification given. If the status is changed to Under Review, it will be done directly.

W 2021-06-08

The text translates to: "It shows that the submission has been delivered to the editorial department, but it has been a week and there is still no change in the status. I would like to ask if this journal will send an email notification for the review process?"

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