Verified Reviews - ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

fengqh 2022-12-27

The first trial has not yet produced a result, it's a bit slow. Why is this still in Zone 3?

fengqh 2022-11-01

This journal is published approximately once every few months.

橘子皮的皮 2022-10-06

Submitted for 5 months... It took 3 months to assign a reviewer, and now it is still under review...

fengqh 2022-09-21

What are the states of this journal? How long does it usually take after "under review"? Does "under review" mean that reviewers have not been found yet?

fengqh 2022-09-21

Does this journal have peer review after under review? It has been under review for two months.

Kay.D 2021-08-31

My thesis has been under review for 8 months, and after submitting the revised draft, there has been no response for a month. So I sent an email asking about it, and they said they found an additional reviewer for me, wtf!!

li 2021-08-30

Hello, it has been a month and I still haven't entered with an editor. Is it possible that the successful delivery status is incorrect?

哈哈儿2021 2021-08-13

I have been submitting for a month but have not received any review. Recently, this magazine has undergone a major change in the chief editor and editors, and the processing speed is especially slow.

li 2021-08-13

May I ask if it is normal that I have successfully submitted this for several days, but it has not reached with the editor yet?

JackieTai 2021-03-23

2019-10-8 submitted
2020-1-23 major revision
2020-2-19 revision submitted
2020-3-15 major revision
2020-3-25 revision submitted
2020-4-30 accepted


2019-10-8 submitted
2020-1-23 major revision
2020-2-19 revision submitted
2020-3-15 major revision
2020-3-25 revision submitted
2020-4-30 accepted

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