Verified Reviews - Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

xcj0908 2023-06-05

May I ask if this journal requires a submission fee for submitting articles?

Miluka 2023-06-05

I want to ask, do we need to pay when submitting the manuscript?

judypaper 2023-05-31

Intelligent Traffic Direction
Submitted in October 2022
First external review comments in December 2022
Second external review comments in February 2023
Accepted in March 2023

judypaper 2023-05-18

The review process is quite fast, with two external reviews. The speed of online publication after acceptance is also very fast, within one week it will be available online.

lelelexu 2023-04-28

Posted on November 1st, 2022
Major renovation on April 1st, 2023, first decision
Accepted on April 25th, 2023

TAA 2022-09-24

Hello, may I ask if there is any news about the article you submitted?

WANGTAO168 2022-07-30

Just submitted an article to a journal. The depth of the content is decent, hoping for an early acceptance.

不懂科研的科研狗 2022-04-13

First submission, directly sent for external review, received rejection after one month of final review. The editor personally replied with a sincere attitude and pointed out the reasons for not accepting the submission. Due to sufficient reasons and a good attitude, another submission was sent.

Second submission, directly sent for external review, received feedback after two and a half months. Two reviewers provided 40 comments, requiring significant revisions. Two months were spent on the revisions. An extension of one month was requested during the process, and the editor was very nice and agreed to the extension twice. After three months of revisions, an acceptance email was received within a month, and both reviewers expressed satisfaction with the modifications.

Overall evaluation: It took approximately 7 months from submission to acceptance. This timeline may vary depending on the topic. Asking around, others who have submitted also experienced a similar timeframe. The journal editor is very nice, and their email replies are relatively prompt, typically within a week. Although the reviewers' comments may be strict, as long as one maintains a proper attitude and diligently follows the requirements for revisions, good results can be achieved. Overall, it is a nice journal. In comparison to the TR series, it is slightly inferior in the field of transportation.

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