Verified Reviews - Advanced Healthcare Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

奥特曼吃小蘑菇 2021-12-24

How did the transfer go? What were the results?

奥特曼吃小蘑菇 2021-12-24

Is there a high probability of transferring to AFM?

Viole 2021-12-23

May I ask how long it takes to receive a reply? I have already waited for nearly two months, and I am feeling very anxious.

Viole 2021-12-23

May I ask how long it takes for you to receive a response after submitting a contribution? I have already submitted mine for 55 days, and I'm getting anxious as there is no news. Can I please borrow some of your good luck?

zhiyi0430 2021-10-29

Receive directly after about 20 days of repair.

zhiyi0430 2021-10-29

The experience is very good. Fast.

guoshen 2021-10-29

May I ask, after you returned it for repair, how long did it take for you to receive an email? It's been 20 days for me now, and I still haven't heard anything.

YnPlwang 2021-09-20

2021-07-28 AFM transfer - Transferred by AFM on July 28, 2021.
2021-08-31 major revise 10 days allowed - Major revisions allowed within 10 days until August 31, 2021.
2021-09-06 resubmit - Resubmission required by September 6, 2021.
2021-09-13 accept - Accepted on September 13, 2021.

号号 2021-09-17

Yesterday I absorbed the good luck of the OP, and today on September 17th, I received it. Haha.

guoshen 2021-09-17

Congratulations, host. Good luck!

号号 2021-09-16

Congratulations, OP! I haven't received any updates on my return since September 6th. I hope to borrow some of your good luck.

宇哥战江湖 2021-09-15

9.6 Return reviewer's comments
9.14 Revise
9.15 Accept

号号 2021-09-12

8.06 Transfer from AFM to AHM, took a leave on 9.02, returned for further studies on 9.06 till now, best of luck!!

lige 2021-09-11

Hello, what will the status change to after submitting for external review? It has been 16 days since submission and it hasn't changed.

宇哥战江湖 2021-09-02

Submitted for review, waiting for the review result.

guoshen 2021-08-30

OP, how are you doing now?

guoshen 2021-08-30

The result of transferring to AFM at 8:30 is unknown.

宇哥战江湖 2021-08-20

08.19 AFM transfer outcome unknown.

hum 2021-08-04

Have you ever had a rejection letter for your submission? How many days does it typically take to receive a rejection?

qfz 2021-06-28

How long does it generally take to receive feedback after submitting a manuscript for review?

huiguidongri1982 2021-06-23

Already invested for 10 days, under consideration, does anyone know why this magazine is not available in the newly released T district?

hsingyu 2021-06-08

Translation: The second article, AHM, was rejected one and a half months after submission. I argued with the editor, and they agreed to a resubmission. After submitting again, it was accepted directly after 5 weeks! The impact factor for this year is expected to be close to 9, making it increasingly difficult to submit.

Dr. Chang 2021-06-04

Before returning for review, everything is under consideration.

原心 2021-03-05

When does advanced healthcare materials usually reject manuscripts?

shanHJ 2021-02-24

How long will it take under consideration? Who among you is familiar with it?

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