Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

白发阿叔 2023-03-22

Posted on 2023.1.14, external review will take place 2 days later.
Reviewed on 2023.2.3, major revisions requested (including redoing an experiment with a figure, conducting an additional small-scale experiment, and providing 4 references for citation).
Revised on 2023.3.13.
Accepted on 2023.3.21.

fg50000 2022-09-14

I previously submitted an article to another journal from Springer, but it was rejected. The editorial system of the group then sent me a link recommending several other journals. I chose this journal and submitted my article. After about 2 months and 10 days, I received a major revision notice. It took me 20 days to revise and polish the article before resubmitting it. I received an acceptance notice after 1 week. The review process was a bit slow, but everything else was fine. I suggest considering this journal if there is no rush. Currently, this journal is going through a transition period and offers both Open Access (OA) and non-OA options. If budget is limited, choosing the non-OA option would be better.

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