Verified Reviews - Energy for Sustainable Development
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Phoebe1111 2023-04-02

This journal is really too slow. The status "with editor" lasted for one month, "under review" lasted for 5 months. The reviewer provided 8 suggestions, but the editor rejected them directly, wasting 6 months of time, and then it got rejected! !!!

刺客yuyue 2023-03-26

The research I have been doing is related to environmental management, and it leans towards the softer side. I suggest considering a switch.

刺客yuyue 2022-12-09

Record the situation of the journal.

mako_ 2022-12-07

May I ask how long after you submit the manuscript it will be under review?

Haru_ 2022-11-08

IF has increased, it's a decent journal in the second zone. However, it is indeed too slow. Waited for 6 months for minor revisions, and after the revisions, it was accepted within a week.

Haru_ 2022-03-31

Excuse me, are there any friends who have recently submitted to this journal? Is the processing speed still very slow?

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