Verified Reviews - Food Security
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

短暂炽热羞涩 2023-06-15

2022.05.26 Submit
2022.08.31 Major Revision
2023.03.15 Major Revision
2023.06.15 Accept

It took over a year from submission to acceptance, with the reviewers being relatively fast in their review process, but the editors were slow in handling it.

短暂炽热羞涩 2023-03-16

March 15, 2023, major revision again.

短暂炽热羞涩 2023-03-13

The second review process lasted for 5 months, with the editor being invited after 1 month of being under review. The current status is editor assigned. This journal is quite difficult, so everyone should be cautious when submitting their work.

攀登奋斗着 2023-02-05

The editor was assigned 31 days, but was rejected within two days after inquiring, wasting a month's time...

短暂炽热羞涩 2023-02-03

Submitted on September 19, 2022, under review as of February 2, 2023.
After waiting for four and a half months, the status has finally been changed for the second review. I hope for a good outcome.

短暂炽热羞涩 2023-01-19

Second review for four months, the "editor invited" status remains unchanged. I asked the chief editor three times to remind about the manuscript, but received no reply. It's a bit frustrating.

短暂炽热羞涩 2022-12-27

Take note, the second review has exceeded three months without any editing process. I have sent an email to the editor-in-chief to urge for a response, but no one has replied. I will continue to wait. This journal is really slow.

短暂炽热羞涩 2022-11-07

Da Xiu has been in the Editor Invited status for a month and a half. I would like to ask if it is normal for students who have submitted before to have this status.

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