Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

小仙女 2023-04-04

May I ask which reviewers are the seniors?

小虫精神 2022-08-12

The self-made things are relatively low, which means using readily available reagents to conduct colorimetric experiments on the target substance, without involving material synthesis, and with almost no innovation. It is provided for everyone's reference.

小虫精神 2022-08-12

2022-5-19 Submission
2022-6-22 External review completed Minor revisions
2022-7-9 Revised
2022-7-18 Accepted
2022-8-10 Proofreading
Submission process completed. Thank you to all the friends at LetPub. This journal does not have high requirements for innovation, but the review process is fast. The publication fee is high, 10,000 RMB, and the impact factor is not high, it is in the fourth quartile. I am in a hurry to graduate. If you have friends who are in a hurry to graduate, you can give it a try.

枯鱼求水 2021-11-22

May I ask if this journal charges publication fees? How much does it approximately cost?

枯鱼求水 2021-11-22

Does this journal charge a submission fee now?

枯鱼求水 2021-11-22

May I ask if this journal charges a publication fee? How much is the fee approximately?

张某某 2021-10-07

Hello, starting from August 2020, the journal is now charging for publication. May I ask how much is the publication fee? I am about to be accepted and I would like to know in advance. It's urgent, please reply.

hahaha6688 2021-08-10

Submitted on April 15th, major revisions were given on July 10th. After the modifications, it was accepted on July 27th. Maybe it's because my research direction is more focused on catalysis, so it was difficult to find suitable reviewers. Therefore, it took some time. I made three attempts to find reviewers during the process, but they continuously refused to review. Overall, the difficulty level was low and the requirement for innovation was not high. After all, it's just for Open Access (OA).

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