Verified Reviews - Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

向follow迈进 2023-02-27

It takes five months for the submission to receive results, and the content is not much, but there are several very useful points.

silkyrose 2023-02-09

The submission system is not working, what's the matter? There is no menu for authors to submit their work.

dtmabc123 2022-12-08

This submission of the paper went smoothly. It was submitted in early August and received an acceptance notice in mid-November. The paper went through a major revision that took a month, and both reviewers' opinions were positive.

求通过 2022-12-03

May I ask, after accepting, did they pay you a writing fee?

CNFINITE 2022-10-08

2022.3.9 Submission
2022.4.1 Under review
2022.5.20 Reviews completed
2022.5.23 Under review
2022.6.23 First decision major revision
2022.7.16 Revision submission
2022.7.22 Under review
2022.8.19 Accept
2022.10.4 Published
The speed is average, with a minor revision in the middle and acceptance after resubmission. The entire process took about six months. From what I saw in the comments for this journal, some take around a year, which I think might be due to the time it takes for the editor to find reviewers. During this period, it seems that the editor gradually notified eight reviewers until a total of four reviewers confirmed their review, at which point the search for reviewers stopped. This is because I noticed that the reviewer numbers jumped from #1 to #8, so I assume at least eight reviewers received my paper, but more than half of them did not want to review it. That's why the first review took so long, and the status repeatedly switched between "reviews completed" and "under review," likely due to the process of finding reviewers. So, if you're submitting to this journal with a niche research area, it's better to be cautious as you might end up wasting time during the reviewer search process.

哥谭热心市民 2022-07-04

2021.12.24 first submission - This refers to the initial submission made on December 24, 2021.
2022.2.24 first decision major revision - This indicates that on February 24, 2022, the first decision regarding the submission required a significant revision.
2022.3.25 revision submission - On March 25, 2022, a revised version of the submission was resubmitted.
2022.5.12 accept - Finally, on May 12, 2022, the submission was accepted.

求通过 2022-06-03

Very slow, it has been six months since the first trial, and there is still no outcome.

CNFINITE 2022-05-24

2022.3.9 Submitted
2022.4.1 Under review
2022.5.20 Reviews completed
2022.5.23 Under review
Will update if there is any further progress.

love@cc 2022-04-23

Already invested for 5 months and still no first decision.

zczzcz 2022-03-26

It has been over a year since submission.

求通过 2022-03-25

It has been three months since the first review, and then the latest date changed a couple of days ago. However, the status is still under review. What is the situation? Can someone explain it?

zczzcz 2022-03-20

The first trial has been going on for 8 months, and the second trial is currently approaching three months, and I don't know what to do.

我求毕业啊 2022-03-18

The first trial took 4 and a half months, and the second trial has just been submitted. It feels like it's taking too long. Is there anyone who has already submitted it and wants to discuss the progress together?

zczzcz 2022-03-13

How long is everyone's cycle? Mine has already been one year, is that normal?

继续努力 2022-02-08

After the manuscript is reviewed, what form of file should be submitted after the modifications? How should the modified parts be marked and in what format?

继续努力 2022-02-08

What files should be submitted after modification? Should the modified content be marked with different colors in the paper or in what form?

手游吃鸡大师 2021-05-30

Give the reviewer a deadline of about one and a half months.

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