Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

小森哥 2023-07-26

Can I submit another article this year, if last year's submission was accepted?

灰灰- 2022-07-04

Excuse me, will there be "under review" after the reviewers are assigned for this journal?

灰灰- 2022-06-09

Excuse me, will there be "Under Review" after the journal says "Reviewers Assigned"? It has been 20 days since "Reviewers Assigned".

灰灰- 2022-04-27

Submitting, may I ask what the reason is for the final PDF file missing images?

三角形 2022-01-19

Do I need to submit a cover letter? If yes, at which stage of the submission should it be submitted? Thank you.

emptyyyyy 2021-12-27

Fourteen days were given for minor repairs to be completed, and they were indeed quite fast!

meng1028 2021-03-20

What should I do if I can't generate a PDF from the TEX submission?

gyang 2021-02-20

The review speed is fast, and the journal tends to favor theoretical research.

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