Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally. 2022-04-27

Each major repair usually takes 3 months, while minor repairs take 2 months.

莫问 2022-04-23

Generally, the first review takes 3-4 months, while the second review is usually faster, taking 1-3 months. Usually, there is one major revision or one major revision and one minor revision before acceptance. There are 1-2 reviewers, and it typically takes 1 week, sometimes 2 weeks, to complete the review process.

wood 2022-04-05

Hello, how long will it take for you to receive news after your major renovation? Thank you.

颂颂 2022-03-29

Top journal in the field of wood, submitted in September 2021, after one major revision and one minor revision, it took 8 months to be successfully accepted. The editor was very nice and provided detailed modifications.

wood 2022-02-12

Hello, how long did it take for the reviews to be completed and results delivered after you submitted them? Thank you.

Jimmylee 2021-12-20

The review speed is indeed a bit slow, but the influence of the journal in the field of forestry is still quite good. It is quickly returning to the TOP of the second tier. I hope the journal's development continues to improve.

不罚站的小明 2021-11-14

Research on the energy attenuation of AE propagation in wood.
Submitted on January 18th, approximately one week later it was sent for external review.
Received reviewer comments in mid to late April (three reviewers, two major revisions, one rejection). The final decision was major revision, and the given time was relatively long.
Due to coinciding with my PhD interview, I didn't handle the revision until the deadline on June 30th (the editorial department also sent reminder emails during this period).
After another two to three weeks, the editor provided some suggestions on expression.
I returned the revised manuscript in July (actually, the emails were sent to my advisor, but he didn't check them).
On September 8th, the status changed to "ACCEPT".
Then, I was asked to proofread the manuscript online, and approximately two weeks later, it was published on Spring.
Overall, the initial review process took a long time, and the editor provided a response only after all three reviewers had given their feedback.
The revision process was relatively fast, but it was delayed for a long time until the deadline day.
The subsequent publication process was relatively fast.

shl123 2021-10-20

The review process is extremely slow, it took a full 7 months from submission to acceptance.

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