Verified Reviews - WAVE MOTION
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

杰哥jj 2023-04-11

This journal is really slow. I submitted the manuscript on December 19, 2022, and it is still "with editor" as of April 11, 2023. I have sent three emails and made four phone calls in between, but the status hasn't changed at all. Are these editors just drinking tea and reading newspapers every day? They don't even process the manuscript.

不明白 2022-10-22

Sent out the online version on October 22nd.

不明白 2022-10-11

Posted on July 20th, accepted on October 10th. There were two reviewers, one provided minor revisions, and the other was unsure if it was suitable for this publication. The final decision is up to the editor. After the minor revisions, it was accepted for publication.

可乐96 2021-11-05

In June 2021, two reviewers provided feedback on the submission. One recommended major revisions, while the other suggested minor revisions. Both reviewers' comments were relatively gentle.
In August 2021, a resubmission was required. It is likely that the time taken was too long, resulting in a change of reviewers, and another round of major revisions was requested.
Another resubmission was made in October 2021.
Finally, in November 2021, the submission was accepted.

rfg666 2021-10-07

My child is already eight months old, but still no news.

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