Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

梦里花香 2023-01-19

2022.11.18 submit to journal
2022.11.19 with editor
2022.12.1 editor invited
2022.12.12 decision in process
2022.12.14 reject and resubmit
2022.12.27 resubmit
2022.12.27 sent back to author (formatting issues, requested revision)
2022.12.28 with editor
2023.1.4 editor invited
2023.1.5 with editor
2023.1.12 wrote an email inquiring about the changes in submission status
2023.1.13 journal replied stating that the article is currently with the editor
2023.1.18 decision in process
Waiting for the results (Previously, this article was submitted to FIPS and was rejected. Unexpectedly, the academic editor who rejected my submission for FIPS is handling the reject and resubmit process this time. Sigh... Let's wait patiently for the results, it's possible that it will be rejected again.)

Jack-wang 2021-06-17

The quality of the journal has greatly declined compared to before.

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