Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

不三 2022-05-12

The manuscript was rejected just one month after submission. I raised several questions, all of which were fairly objective, and decided to submit to another journal.

LeyN 2022-04-09

2022.3.14 submitted
2022.4.7 rejected
The initial review process was quite fast, but it feels like I encountered a reviewer who didn't understand, and the comments they provided were difficult to comprehend.

麦迪文 2022-04-02

It has been more than 30 days since mine had no activity, does it also take 3 months for this magazine to be reviewed?

不三 2021-09-28

It has been 30 days under review, how long does this journal usually take for the peer review process?

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