Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

张文峥 2023-07-31

Hello, may I ask if there is any publication fee for SAA?

张文峥 2023-07-31

Hello, may I ask if there is a publication fee for SAA? Do I need to pay a fee for submitting an article?

lightwishes 2023-07-23

Mid-July, major repairs.

lightwishes 2023-07-23

Mid-July, feedback is received, major renovation.

尧尧尧 2023-07-18

In the tracking paper link sent to me on the 13th, the three invited reviewers have not accepted the review yet.

aduiduidui 2023-07-18

Excuse me, has your reviewer accepted the review? Mine is also "Under Review" since 7/13.

尧尧尧 2023-07-14

July 13 under review

zifengtaxue 2023-07-09

Maybe they couldn't find a reviewer. I submitted it on the 21st and it was under review on the 1st.

笙歌十里 2023-07-08

Did the journal editors take a vacation or did the foreigners collectively go on summer break?

尧尧尧 2023-07-07

I am too. Submitted on 6.19, with editor on 6.24, and still no news since 6.26.

饭能乱吃 2023-07-07

Submitted on 6.21,
With editor on 6.28
There has been no update since then.

饭能乱吃 2023-07-07

Excuse me, is your status still "with editor"? I submitted my work around the same time as you, and it has been 17 days without any updates.

DD~123 2023-07-05

Has your current situation changed?

投搞一直被拒 2023-07-05

May I ask how many reviewers do you have?

尧尧尧 2023-07-02

Hello, may I ask if your current status has changed?

尧尧尧 2023-07-01

June 19, submitted to the managing editor
June 24, with editor
June 26, with editor

析析 2023-06-26

This is too slow, I just voted and I'm scared.

maoxiaobai 2023-06-24

3.24 submitted
3.31 under review
6.24 still under review
Too slow.

lightwishes 2023-06-23

4.26 submitted
5.5 under review
6.18 status updated or still under review

小邓想读博 2023-06-20

It has been 5 days, and it feels like it's getting colder.

Goodnight 2023-05-16

It has been two months under review. Is there any way to urge the editor?

maoxiaobai 2023-05-01

Why has my status been "under review" for almost a month without any changes? Can't they find a reviewer?

gogogo 2023-04-24

3.27 under review
4.10 under review
4.21 under review

These dates are currently being reviewed.

gogogo 2023-04-22

Submitted on 2023.2.10, it was sent back for revision after a few days. After re-uploading, it has been under review all along. During the review process, the duration of the review has changed several times. I am not sure if they haven't found a reviewer or what the reason is. Now on 4.21, it is under review again.

1cmHA 2023-04-20

My work submitted on the 14th is still under review. There hasn't been any reviewer accepting the review request yet, it has been a week already. Can I request the editor to send a reminder and invite reviewers again?

mengql 2023-03-24

Okay, got it, thank you.

Chen Lu 2023-03-24

After submission, an email will be sent to the corresponding author, containing a tracking link to check if the reviewer has accepted and returned the review.

mengql 2023-03-24

Hello, may I ask if "under review" shows how many reviewers there are and the progress of the review process?

Chen Lu 2023-03-23

Christian Huck has a high editing efficiency and fast processing speed!

Chen Lu 2023-03-23

2.13 with editor - This refers to a manuscript or document that is currently being reviewed by an editor.
2.18 under review - This means that the manuscript or document is currently being evaluated by reviewers.
2.28 revision - This indicates that a revised version of the manuscript or document has been submitted.
3.20 revision submitted to journal - This signifies that the revised version of the manuscript or document has been sent to the journal for evaluation.
3.20 under review - This means that the revised version of the manuscript or document is currently being evaluated by reviewers.
3.23 accept - This indicates that the manuscript or document has been accepted for publication.

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