Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

yiwen66 2023-04-09

Three reviewers, their opinions are very professional.

Analysis68 2023-02-19

Without international authority, it feels like a chaotic distribution.

tfeng17 2023-02-17

Top-tier international journals in the field of applied mathematics only publish around 100 articles per year. This year, they have been classified into four zones in the upgraded version by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is really interesting.

win 2023-02-05

Such a top journal can only be classified as a fourth-tier by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It seems that some people indeed want to disrupt academic research in China. It is better to leave professional matters to professionals, so as to avoid turning SIAP into a joke of being classified as a fourth-tier. Universities like Fudan University and Zhejiang University have their own journal classifications, which are much more diverse than the Science Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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