Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Yuro 2023-08-07

Hello, have you processed the routine originality check and "Author Publishing Agreement"? I also received an acceptance email mentioning this, but it seems like it didn't require me to do anything. How did you handle it?

Yuro 2023-08-07

Hello, have you dealt with routine originality checks and the "Author Publishing Agreement"? I also received an acceptance email that mentioned it, but it seems like there was no requirement for me to do anything. How did you handle it?

hjyhjy 2023-01-02

May I ask about the result? After receiving the acceptance email, do I need to reply to that email? The editor said: This time, we need to use a software for regular originality check, do we not have to do it ourselves? Also, where can I find the "author publication agreement"? Thank you!

hjyhjy 2023-01-02

Hello, do I need to reply after receiving the email? The editor said: This time, we need to use a software for regular originality check, so we don't have to do it ourselves, right? Also, where can I find the "Author Publishing Agreement"? Thank you!

hjyhjy 2022-12-26

The reviewer sent it back again and asked four more questions. I hope they won't ask any more questions in the future. This journal is indeed a bit slow.

楼下是小黑吗 2022-12-05

Your editing speed is so fast. I finished my proofreading in five days, but the reviews have been ongoing for a month, annoying.

hjyhjy 2022-12-02

Waiting for final information.

小老鼠很大胆 2022-06-15

The total word count includes these two main parts. The total word count equals the 4680 words you mentioned plus the word count after conversion of (images + tables + formulas).

搬砖户 2022-06-09

Can passing classmates help answer this question? Thank you very much!! After submitting my manuscript, I received an email saying: "A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 5000 words, inclusive of abstract and references. The word count of 5000 words excludes equivalent words for equations, figures, and tables. In addition, there should be a maximum number of 8 display units (figures, tables, and hybrid visuals that contain both pictures, data, and text)." When I open my manuscript in Word, the word count in the lower left corner is 4680, so why was it returned to me?

YUAN K 2022-05-04

Submitted on January 1, 2022, it has been 5 months and it is still under review. I have sent three reminders during this period, and the editor keeps saying everything is normal and it is undergoing peer review. However, this is too slow. Graduation is approaching, and I can't wait any longer. I wonder why yours is not as fast. Did you submit to the same journal?

fdgd 2022-04-10

submitted to journal Half a month, really slow, too slow.

sim_ai 2022-03-13

The translation of "March 13, Accept" into English is "Accept on March 13."

sim_ai 2022-02-13

08 Nov, 2021 Submitted to journal
07 Dec, 2021 Under review
The revised manuscript has been in the "Required Reviews Completed" stage for a long time. I don't remember the exact date, but it may be because of Christmas that it took so long.
18 Jan, 2022 Revise, two reviewers, raised a total of more than ten questions.
28 Jan, 2022 Resubmitted
06 Feb, 2022 Under review
13 Feb, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Waiting for the result, unsure whether it will be good news or bad news.

EMITAKEI 2022-01-25

I don't know, mine has always been under review.

hanwelding 2022-01-10

My "out for review" means it is under external audit, right?

EMITAKEI 2022-01-08

2021.09.21 submitted to journal
2021.10.01-present under review

It has been almost four months and it is still under review. The journal's website states that the average time for receiving reviewer comments is 43 days, but it seems like I am the one on the longer side of the average.

一条小黄鱼 2021-11-08

In technical review, you need to verify whether the word count of your essay has exceeded the limit.

一条小黄鱼 2021-11-08

Posted on 2021.07.29, followed up after 1 and a half months. The editor notified that three reviewers were approached but all declined, so two new reviewers were found instead.
The review comments were returned on 2021.10.08, and revisions were made on 10.27.
Currently, it is under review.
I will receive an email notification within approximately one week after my required reviews are completed.
The status "with editor" will take 1-2 weeks.
The "under review" status has lasted for nearly 2 months.

石佛 2021-10-13

Hello, how long does it generally take for the journal "Required Reviews Completed" to complete?

元加 2021-09-27

It has been five days since submission, and it has been continuously showing "Submitted to Journal". Does it require confirmation from all authors before it can proceed with the editor?

小老鼠很大胆 2021-09-26

What kind of god-like speed is this? Are you the boss of the editor?

一条小黄鱼 2021-09-20

2021.7.29 First submission
2021.8.05 Word count exceeded 5000 and requested to resubmit
2021.8.06 Returned manuscript
2021.8.6-Present under review

一条小黄鱼 2021-08-19

The first submission was returned after 6 days, stating that the word count was too long;
After 3 days, it was returned on 2021/08/06;
Currently, it is still in the submitted status.

eightchang 2021-08-09

Submitted on 7.20, edited and rejected on 8.1. The reason was lack of creativity, but it didn't specify which parts were problematic. I didn't know how to make changes, so I gave up.

小老鼠很大胆 2021-08-07

The editor said that in recent years, there have been a large number of articles on exotic metal welding published in our journal and other publications. We do not intend to accept too many articles in this area. Additionally, the innovative statements in this paper are insufficient. In other words, it does not meet the editor's taste, which is tragic.

诗~远方 2021-03-17

Hello, this publication strictly requires that articles should not exceed 5000 words. Will there be a fee if it exceeds this limit?

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