Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

功夫到家 2023-05-21

The initial review resulted in a desk reject within 7 days, and the comments were very constructive.

Echo11111 2023-04-20

Hello, how are you doing now?

不吃香菜 2023-02-12

The desk reject was given in just five days, and I am very grateful for the equally constructive comments.

功夫到家 2022-10-18

Submit the article for industrial design direction on October 16, 2022. Request for revision on October 17 to supplement the title page. After completing the supplement, resubmit and wait.

feiyanhuo 2022-04-13

Patrick G. Dempsey gave a desk reject for my submission within two days, and he provided very constructive feedback on the issues with my article. Although it was a rejection, he approached it with great diligence and responsibility. I am grateful.

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