Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

蓝爸爸 2023-05-23

I wrote an article about an explosive formula, and it got rejected 10 days after submission. Gagakwai, they simply stated in the rejection feedback that their journal has limited acceptance for articles, and mine did not meet their requirements. Perhaps my writing was just too bad.

今晚吃鸡 2022-12-11

11.13 Submission
12.8 Review comments returned, two reviewers, requesting additional experiments, reviewers are quite professional, first time submitting to this journal.

大大凯哥 2022-12-07

SUBMITTED (18-Jul-2022)
Major Revision (25-Aug-2022)
SUBMITTED (28-Sep-2022)
Minor Revision (08-Nov-2022)
Accepted (10-Nov-2022)

First time submitting to SCI, learned a lot.
One of the reviewers asked very detailed questions, raising nearly 20 big and small issues.

长江后浪 2022-10-25

First submission, received comments from reviewers after one month. Made significant revisions for a month but missed the deadline. Sent an email explaining the situation and requested to resubmit. Received final comments after 20 days and got accepted directly. An excellent journal.

yangxiaoxi 2022-10-11

Submission 14-May-2022
Major Revision (30-Jun-2022)
Revised 27-Jul-2022
Minor Revision (19-Aug-2022)
Revised 01-Sep-2022
Minor Revision (26-Sep-2022)
Revised 07-Oct-2022
Accepted, publish as is (10-Oct-2022)

长江后浪 2022-09-03

Very professional journal
Review comments will be given within a month.
Looking forward to a smooth acceptance.

龙行天下9999 2022-02-23

The responsible editor is usually assigned a few days after the submission. It has been several days since the submission, but it is still not assigned.

哈少 2021-11-18

Hey buddy, how are you? Did the status of your submission in the system change after you submitted it? It has been about five days since I submitted mine, and it has been showing "not assigned" the whole time. What's going on? Wasn't this journal supposed to be highly efficient?

科研小白 2021-02-08

18/01/2021 Submission;
19/01/2021 First-round major revision;
06/02/2021 Revised;
07/02/2021 Accepted
An exceptionally fast review process.

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