Verified Reviews - Promet-Traffic & Transportation
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ccwwniuniu 2023-06-18

May I ask why the status remains at "submission" after submitting? I can't see the statuses you mentioned, such as "decision in process," "review invitations sent," or "with editorz." Does this mean it hasn't been reviewed yet?

周佳怡 2023-05-27

The review efficiency of the journal "Promet-Traffic & Transportation" is very high. If the editor determines that the quality of the submitted article is not high, it will be rejected on the same day. If there is no decision in process on the day of submission or the next day, the article basically enters the stage of review invitations sent. However, the submission status still shows "with editor" until the reviewers agree to review. Only when the reviewers agree to review, the submission status will change to "under review". It is possible to receive an acceptance notice directly within two months.

铅华 2023-05-22

I would like to ask how to withdraw a manuscript from this journal. Is there an email address? I sent an email to the registration email, but no one replied.

铅华 2023-05-22

I would like to ask how to withdraw a manuscript from this journal? Is there an email address? Could you please provide it? I didn't receive any response when I sent an email to the registration email.


I'd like to ask how to check the manuscript number. Do you know?

hjifnsv 2022-09-10

I would like to ask, are you referring to seeing the publication for 12 months, or confirming the employment for 12 months?

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