Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

scixiaobai 2023-06-30

Will this journal display peer reviews?

Rn04 2023-05-05

Too slow, it has been over five months.

天涯的心跳 2023-05-05

Dear Newtons and Einsteins, learn from my lesson. I submitted a paper to this journal in early February, and it has been three months with no progress. It has been stuck in "peer in review" and two reminder letters were sent, but received no response. Is this journal about to collapse? It is slow and useless. Don't submit anything anymore, let it shut down. Useless thing!

天涯的心跳 2023-04-29

Posted at the beginning of February, there has been no progress until now... I don't know whether I should urge for the submission, it's really too slow...

真的难 2023-04-14

Hurry up and avoid this pit. This journal can't even find a reviewer. I have been waiting for over 6 months without any news. When I sent a reminder letter, they said they were still looking for someone. I have sent several reminders, but it's always the same response. Even if they reject it, they should do it quickly. There is no news at all, just a waste of time. Don't be fooled by the impact factor for the sake of graduating. Thinking it will be easy to publish, it will only consume you. Quickly avoid this pit!!!

青空eddie 2022-08-25

Submitted by the end of April, major revisions by the end of June, returned within a week, minor revisions given in mid-July, returned the next day. Accepted on August 10th.

long long 2021-11-02

Recorded 2 articles. The first article took about one and a half months for the first review and 18 days for the second review. The second article was a bit slow for the first review as we couldn't find a reviewer initially. After pushing for it, the first review took approximately five months in total. However, the second review was still fast, and it was accepted in less than 20 days.

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