Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

小小怪下士 2023-03-21

Posted on February 9, 2023, received comments on March 21, 2023 for review, confirmed acceptance, and added another reference paper. Just need to make some language and phrase modifications. It's quite fast.

小小怪下士 2023-01-30

Submitted manuscript on 8th December 2022. Received review comments on 7th January 2023, one with no issues and another suggesting a modification of a term and citation of a reference. Submitted revised manuscript on 10th January 2023. Accepted on 24th January 2023.

淘淘到天边 2021-02-24

The review process was quite fast. There were two reviewers, one of whom declined to review. The other reviewer requested major revisions and posed numerous questions for modification. After adding some data, the manuscript was resubmitted. The reviewer had different views on a specialized term initially, but later accepted it after the term was modified. The entire process, from submission to acceptance, took three months in total, and the efficiency during this time was quite high.

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