Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

mingyue Han 2022-07-25

A good journal in the field of plasma sources, with high industry recognition, just hoping for a continuous increase in its impact factor.

zsdgsd 2022-05-11

The following text translates to:

"An established plasma journal, it holds high value and recognition in its niche field. The downside is that the review and evaluation process is relatively slow, and the chosen reviewers are generally strict, often delving deep into the physical mechanisms of the paper. From submission to acceptance, it went through two rounds of minor revisions, with each small revision being reviewed, hence causing a longer duration."

陇右无名 2021-06-16

Four consecutive submissions, three rejections from water journals, and one direct tragedy. Although it appears to have undergone peer review, in reality, the editors simply reject it with a single sentence after reading it. The majority of the rejections lack any constructive feedback, usually just stating that there is no innovation. Through long-term observation, I have noticed that the majority of articles published in this European journal are by Europeans, with very few from other regions and almost none from Chinese authors. I initially thought it was a top journal in the field of plasma, but now I am very disappointed and do not recommend it.

陇右无名 2021-05-11

Crazy tragedy, from the refusal of the editor to the rejection and transfer, trying again, hoping for a good result.

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