Verified Reviews - PEDOSPHERE
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

807xiaotu 2023-08-02

May I ask if this journal requires a layout fee? What is the fee structure?

yo你一生一世 2023-07-17

This journal is always "Under Review" once submitted. What's the situation?

li-ethan 2023-06-20

5.5 submit: Submitted
5.6 under review: Under review
7.13 三个审稿人意见被拒: Three reviewers' comments rejected

lyu199 2023-06-17

When was your article included in the Web of Science?

lyu199 2023-06-17

When can the article accepted by Pedosphere in June be included in the Web of Science?

草莽英雄1 2023-06-11

The review process is relatively long, undergoing major revisions, minor revisions, minor revisions, minor revisions, and finally accepted.

yangoweowe 2023-05-04

The review period of the journal is relatively long, taking about five months from the initial submission to final acceptance. The overall quality is still acceptable, but it is not recommended for those who urgently need to publish their work.

sdct 2023-03-31

Can you share the changes in the submission status? Why did it change to "under review" immediately after submission?

sdct 2023-03-30

Can you share the changes in the submission status? Why did it change to "under review" immediately after submission?

龙旭 2023-03-04

A total of 4 reviewers reviewed the manuscript twice. The reviewers were very meticulous, and the editors were very responsible, making a huge contribution to improving the quality of the manuscript.

It is required to have the title page and manuscript separated in the left column of the journal homepage. Additionally, the figures and tables should be placed after the references in the manuscript, meaning that the manuscript and the figures/tables are in one file.

sy2022 2023-02-11

Hello senior, may I trouble you to ask if there are specific formatting requirements when submitting to this journal?

龙旭 2023-01-09

Journal has been upgraded to Zone 1 top. Currently, it is very efficient in terms of editing and reviewing speed.
- Submitted on November 30th, 2022.
- Editor requested major revisions on December 21st, 2022 (one reviewer accepted, one minor revision).
- Revised manuscript submitted on January 8th, 2023.
- Under review on January 9th, 2023.
- Expected to reach a final decision within 2 months. Let's work hard and keep pushing. My research is about carbon in agroecosystems.

不好不咕 2022-06-28

Interesting things, on June 28th, JCR released its report, and domestic journals have updated their impact factors one after another... while foreign journals have not...

哎呦不错 2022-01-09

The impact factor of domestic journals is really high. From now on, I will only submit to domestic journals.

哎呦不错 2021-12-15

I believe this journal will gradually rise to become a Tier 1 journal. However, there seems to be a certain gap in quality compared to top journals.

安小默 2021-08-24

Same question, has it been sent for external review?

雨山 2021-08-13

The editor is very nice, suggesting revisions after 2 months of submission; it went through a major revision and a minor revision, and the reviewers were very diligent. Currently, it is under review for 1 month after the minor revision.

南城旧梦 2021-06-17

The second day after submission, it went directly under review, and then it took 6 months to receive a response. I even sent an email to inquire in the meantime. It was very slow, and in the end, it was rejected.

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