Verified Reviews - OPTIK
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

nuliya 2022-04-05

After each paper submission, the next day, submissions are sent back to the author. At this point, the status of "submissions being processed(1)" changes to (0). The email content states that the abstract was not written according to the format of "Objective, Methods, Results", but the abstract has already been modified and resubmitted twice, and now it has been sent back to the author for the third time. Does anyone know why this is happening?

努力希希 2022-04-03

The submission speed and processing speed are very fast.
Submitted on October 11, 2021.
Minor revisions made on October 23, 2021.
Revised version submitted on November 20, 2021.
Accepted on December 2, 2022.

Jie 2022-03-31

May I ask which section you have chosen?

cy菜博士 2022-03-30

On the first day of submission, the status changed to "Decision in Process" on the second day. Does this mean there is a high probability of tragedy? I am working on artificial intelligence and making minor improvements.

cy菜博士 2022-03-30

The second day after submission, the status is "Decision in Process". Does this mean it will be rejected directly? The article is about neural networks.

今天也要加油鸭 2022-03-05

Where can I find reviewers? I need to recommend five reviewers.

今天也要加油鸭 2022-03-05

How to recommend reviewers and where can I find reviewers?

2022liu 2022-03-04

There is "send email" in the system, or contact the journal:

sphinx 2022-03-03

I want to ask how long it will take with the editor. It has been a month, and it has been with the editor all this time. Sigh.

20岁的肉体 2022-02-15

I haven't encountered this state.

十七的鹿人 2022-02-12

Hello, is the journal in the field of artificial intelligence no longer accepting submissions?

十七的鹿人 2022-02-12

Hello, may I ask if the "all other topics" option is no longer available now?

20岁的肉体 2022-01-27

Posted on December 22nd
Under review on December 23rd
Revised on January 14th
Accepted on January 24th

Dr huan 2022-01-11

The first submission to Optik, with two reviewers, significantly improved the article. The journal has also been upgraded to the 3rd quartile this year, and the impact factor is also good. I recommend everyone to submit their work.

2022liu 2022-01-03

I think the development of the journal has been very good in the past two years. Just by looking at the Impact Factor (IF), you can tell that the journal has put in a lot of effort, and it is estimated that it can continue to improve. Two papers I submitted in the first half of 2021 were directly rejected, but I accepted it and finally published them in OC and a smaller OE. The latest paper was accepted by a high-impact journal, Big OE. I submitted it to OPTIK again recently, and it took 2 days for the review process. It took about two weeks to receive the revisions, and I submitted them on the same day. The acceptance was also on the same day. The efficiency was very high, and the publication was also very fast. Within a few days, I received the journal number online. I saw someone saying that OPTIK was imitating OPTICA, so I checked it out. OPTIK was established in the last century. Although OPTICA is a top-tier journal in Zone 1, we should be realistic.
Personally, I recommend submitting manuscripts to OPTIK.

暮村 2021-12-28

The journal has become more formal and has a promising development trend. The editors are very conscientious and responsible, and they respond to emails promptly.
Submission on 8.13.
First review on 11.11, and the suggestions from the reviewing experts are quite good.
1 week for revision, and 1 week for the editorial department to process.
Accepted on 12.20.

lucky 2021-12-20

Translated into English:

Transferred from the Xiaomuchong forum comment:

Both the basic and upgraded versions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) are in Zone 3.

In 2020, the Impact Factor (IF) was 2.443. As a well-established optical journal, it is steadily rising. The new IF is expected to be around 2.7-2.8 by June 2021.

The editorial department is undergoing various reforms to improve the quality of publications. The final acceptance rate has decreased to around 25%. The goal is to achieve an IF of over 3 within three years and strive to enter Zone 2 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as soon as possible!

神雕 2021-12-17

To be honest, I submitted the manuscript in April and after countless reminders, there was still no response. Finally, in November, I confronted the customer service of Elsevier directly and threatened to withdraw the submission if there was no progress. After a week, it was finally sent for review. But now, I am once again in the long waiting period for the review...

lucky 2021-11-15

Contact the journal:
Or contact the customer service on Elsevier.

kumon 2021-11-14

I also submitted Optik a month ago, but it's still with the editor. It's really slow.

Catherine 2021-11-10

I seemed to have spent almost two months at that time, but the speed became very fast after the review was returned.

大开大海 2021-11-04

Also compatible. What's your current status? I submitted a publication, but it took a month for it to be reviewed. It's also because I saw that this publication only accepts submissions for one month.

水次 2021-10-31

I have been waiting with the editor for half a month. I truly feel that our situations are the same. Giving it a full five stars, let's consider it as seeking good luck.

sci给个回复吧 2021-10-25

Submitted in mid-August, sent for review at the beginning of September, and still under review until now... Envious of those big shots who can finish it in just one month.

hhhhhharden 2021-10-19

How many reviewers' opinions are there, may I ask?

轻浅阅乐 2021-10-17

July 26th - Submission
September 18th - Revision
September 30th - Submit revised manuscript
October 17th - Acceptance
This paper was submitted to TIFS and iNF SCI (took 6 months for review), and it was rejected by NEURALCOMPUTING. I believe it has good originality. I like journals that have a fast review process, it's really frustrating when they keep dragging without providing results.

七陌 2021-10-13

The translation of the text into English is as follows:

"Good comparison, the review is also fast.
August 24th - Submission
October 5th - Revision
October 9th - Submit revised manuscript
October 13th - Acceptance"

lucky 2021-09-27

Contact the journal:
Or contact the customer service on Elsevier's website. It's definitely a problem if they haven't handled it for months, which indicates that the assigned editor has an issue.

akunz 2021-09-27

The translation of the text is as follows:
"Same, no reply when asking about the status, it has been 4 months already, always with the editor."

神雕 2021-09-25

Can you share the email address of the journal manager? My status with the editor has not changed since May 1st. I have sent reminder emails through the system, but no one has responded. It's frustrating.

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