Verified Reviews - Nanotoxicology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

顺子 2022-05-29

The reputation has declined rapidly in recent years, which is closely related to its unstable quality. After carefully reviewing several issues, I noticed that some papers submitted by foreigners seemed to have very average quality, while those submitted by Chinese were much better. Why is there such a disdain for them? Could it be reduced to a circle of readership, where they keep producing outdated nanomaterials without any new discoveries?

木木 2021-06-02

This magazine only accepts animal experiments. Its impact factor used to be decent, but it has been continuously declining in recent years. The editors should reflect on this. It was originally supposed to be a top journal for nanotoxicology, but now it can only rely on reviewers to support its poor impact factor. I believe that more articles should be published on the mechanisms of nanotoxicity or the ways in which it differs from traditional toxins. Only by doing so can we become leaders in the field of nanotoxicology.

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