Verified Reviews - MOLECULAR ECOLOGY
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

MMMMMeng啊 2022-11-10

A senior fellow from the same department submitted a paper, and the reviewing process was average. The paper was submitted in mid-March, and it wasn't until mid-July that the reviewer's comments came back. After making minor revisions within 20 days, it was accepted just 3 days later. Overall, the requirements for the quality of the article were quite high, emphasizing novelty and originality. The reviewer was also very meticulous, and the suggestions provided were very helpful in improving the quality of the article.

De-Frank 2021-03-10

Submit manuscript 2020-10-26
Reject, but allow resubmission 2020-12-11
Submit revised manuscript 2021-01-15
Minor revision 2021-03-01
Submit revised manuscript 2021-03-03
Accept 2021-03-09

Submit manuscript 2020-10-26
Reject, but allow resubmission 2020-12-11
Submit revised manuscript 2021-01-15
Minor revision 2021-03-01
Submit revised manuscript 2021-03-03
Accept 2021-03-09

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