Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

leelei 2023-02-28

It has been almost two years, and yesterday I finally got officially hired.

leelei 2022-12-09

Same, in June, I returned for a minor repair. This month, the Editor declined the invitation. It has been almost two years since submission.

Vivida 2022-11-30

I waited for more than a year to give my feedback for modifications. The revisions were completed in May, but until now, I haven't received any communication.

视角 2022-10-20

How are you? Did you record it?

视角 2022-09-26

I have been waiting for nearly two months, and I have sent reminders three times. There has been no response.

视角 2022-09-22

Is nobody investing? Do you know what this journal is about?

视角 2022-09-21

What journal is this? It has been Editor Assigned for two months. Did the editor die? What are they doing?

leelei 2022-06-21

It has been almost a month since Xiao Xiu submitted, and it is still in the "editor invited" stage. It is really slow.

Hu_Alice 2022-06-06

Missed it. Among the three reviewers, only one gave practical suggestions. The other two either immediately rejected it for not meeting the requirements (then what was the purpose of the initial review?), or scolded it for significant flaws without specifying which word had the flaw. Waited for 5 months to start the review, and after 3 months of review, this is the result. Extremely poor experience, I am speechless as a native speaker :)

Hu_Alice 2022-06-06

After 8 months of being rejected, I am truly grateful for any advice.

leelei 2022-05-31

31 May Minor versions. Lasted 14 months.

leelei 2022-05-30

28 May review complicated;
29 May editor assigned.

Translation: On 28th May, the review became complicated. On 29th May, an editor was assigned.

Hu_Alice 2022-05-25

Update: The status date changed once on April 10 and once on May 10, both times it was under review. On May 24, it changed to reviews completed. I don't know what will happen... I have a bad feeling about it.

DRGU 2022-04-29

Is the original poster winning now?

leelei 2022-04-25

Last December, it was under review, and today it has changed to "Reviewers Assigned" again. It's really too slow.

ygao 2022-04-15

投 - submit
Reviewers Assigned - Reviewers Assigned
至今还是这个状态 - Still in this state until now

Translation: Submitted in August 2021, reviewers were assigned on February 23, 2022, and it is still in this state until now.

Hu_Alice 2022-04-04

感觉有点不妙(TAT) translates to "Feeling a bit bad (TAT)" in English.

Hu_Alice 2022-03-21

It has been 5 months until today. The article has changed from "editor assigned" to "editor invited". Me:... It's really too slow T_T

昆仑山上一棵草 2022-02-16

I have been submitting for almost a year now, chasing the manuscript for N times, but only receiving automated replies without any substantial progress. It started with "editor assigned," but after that, nobody reviewed the manuscript and it became "editor invited." This status has lasted for nearly 5 months now, and there has been no change.

黑夜无头骑士 2022-02-14

Posted on July 25, 2021, and then it continuously showed "editor assigned". Reminded twice in between, the reply messages were very generic, just saying they would remind again, and then there was no further update. Rejected on February 11, 2022, the rejection email did not mention the reason, so it's likely that it was not even reviewed. The editorial department has no idea what they are doing. It's a SCI journal in the 4th area, they waste time by being unprofessional and disorganized. The system also does not provide a deadline for the first feedback from the editorial department, and in the end, the rejection did not state the reason. Don't waste your time by submitting here!!!

Hu_Alice 2021-12-28

Does it take about half a year to receive the review comments? At that time, I only chose to submit it because it was fast. Now, the person involved deeply regrets it.

leelei 2021-12-23

On the 21st, under review, I just went to check the latest article I submitted in 2019. The first decision has been changed to 173 days.

Hu_Alice 2021-12-21

I am the same. Why is this journal so mystical? Have you reviewed it now?

Hu_Alice 2021-12-21

I have been submitting for two months, but still assigned to an editor, SOS.

leelei 2021-10-20

Posted on March 17th, changed to editor assigned on the 18th, changed to editor invited on October 8th, and changed back to editor assigned on the 19th. The outcome is unknown, but it feels a bit ominous.

leelei 2021-09-08

Too slow, it has been half a year and it's still "editor assigned". I have reminded them several times but only received empty words. Additionally, a submission from another district, which was made later than this one, has already been accepted.

Leontheone 2021-09-03

This magazine can be chosen with OA or without OA. If it is not OA, then it won't cost a penny.

leelei 2021-07-24

Originally, I chose this journal because it had a fast review process, and results would be available within a month. I submitted my paper in March, but it is now July and the editor is still not assigned. I emailed the journal to inquire about the status, and they replied saying that my paper has just been sent for evaluation by the editor. I am unsure what the outcome will be.

阿斯蒂芬更 2021-05-24

Hello, if you don't choose OA, then you don't want even a penny, right?

joham 2021-05-08

May I ask what the status is during the review period? Mine has been "editor assigned" all along for over a month now, and I don't know if it has been sent for review or not.

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