Verified Reviews - METROLOGIA
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

XATU东东 2023-05-16

5.16 Stage 2, Review: Please kindly spare us your criticisms and be lenient, dear expert reviewer.

XATU东东 2023-05-11

Submitted on 5.11, hoping for preliminary approval from the editor.

yaowu 2021-05-08

Top journals in the fields of metrology and time-frequency have a good reputation and influence in the industry. Although they publish a small number of articles each year, the quality is high. The review process is fast, with results being provided in just over a month. The reviewers and editors are both professional and provide constructive feedback.

hnxz 2021-03-12

After submission, the review comments are usually given within 1 to 2 months. Generally, it takes up to six months for the acceptance to be indexed.

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