Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

susuloveforever 2023-05-31

Excuse me, is this journal more focused on engineering or medicine? Does the journal have high requirements for algorithms?

susuloveforever 2023-05-31

May I ask if this journal has high requirements for algorithms?

xdddw 2023-03-23

No need. Don't worry about that.

xdddw 2023-03-23

Feel like TMI is harder than MIA. Submitted TMI twice, rejected after revision. Submitted MIA six times, accepted three times, rejected three times.

double A 2023-03-22

2023.03.02 with editor means that the date has been updated once with the editor.

double A 2023-03-22

2023.02.21 submitted
2023.02.23 with editor
So slow

cmc235 2023-03-17

2023.03.11 Submitted - This means that the document or item was submitted on March 11, 2023.

2023.03.13 With Editor - This means that as of March 13, 2023, the document or item is with an editor for review or editing.

小镇SCI投稿人 2023-01-19

Medical Image Analysis is one of the top journals in the field that combines artificial intelligence and medical imaging. May I ask which one is more difficult for students, submitting to MedIA or TMI?

xxxxsss 2022-12-13

At the end of the year, carefully consider submitting contributions. Due to a large volume of submissions, high quality is required. Editors reject them within a week.

sdsdvas111 2022-11-10

After 39 days, it is under review.

xzkdw 2022-11-08

I submitted on 9/30, today it has just gone under review, with the editor for about 40 days.

carson0-0 2022-10-29

I am also curious about it. It has been over a month, and I don't know what's going on. Do we need confirmation from all authors to review it?

carson0-0 2022-10-29

Hello, may I ask if all authors need to confirm before the submission of medical image analysis for review?

carson0-0 2022-10-29

May I ask if all authors need to confirm before the review can proceed? Have you reviewed it now? I have been with the editor all along.

sdsdvas111 2022-10-28

It has been a month with the editor, is it normal? I'm not very brave to urge.

zefanyang 2022-10-26

Submitted in mid-October 2022, the outcome is unknown.

FreshBro 2022-10-10

2022-04 Submission
2022-06 Major revisions
2022-08 Re-submission
2022-09 Acceptance
2022-10 Publication

sdsdvas111 2022-09-28

May I ask if all authors need to confirm their email after submitting their contributions before the review process? For the co-authors, they need to click on the link and register an account in order to confirm, which is quite troublesome.

foyo 2022-08-01

How long does the first trial under review take?

FreshBro 2022-06-15

2021-11 Submission
2022-03 Major overhaul
2022-05 Minor repair
2022-06 Acceptance

luoxd 2021-10-21

Both submissions were accepted after major revisions, and the speed was very fast. The first round of review took 50 days, and the second round took three months. The reviewers were also very professional, and each time I received 20-30 very pertinent review comments. After revising, I was notified of acceptance after about a month and a half. In conclusion, I highly recommend this journal.

冷月无声1991 2021-10-11

Posted on April 20th, the initial review results came out over a month later. There was a major revision once, followed by a minor revision. On October 4th, it was accepted. It took 5.5 months from submission to acceptance, which is relatively lucky and fast.

luoxd 2021-07-14

Yeah, I hope it doesn't drop out of Zone 1 with only 8.5.

奥特曼打怪 2021-07-04

Hello, may I ask how long does it take for "under review" after "with editor"? My article has been "with editor" for a month, and there was one editor change, from the editor-in-chief to a guest editor.

dadlasdsad 2021-07-03

Why are there so few recent comments? The impact factor of the journal dropped from 11 to 8 this year. I hope it doesn't drop further.

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