Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

海棠ttz 2022-03-08

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海棠ttz 2022-03-08

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hss 2021-10-14

Why did the editor make me change the formatting three times? Each time there was a different problem. Couldn't they have told me everything at once? And the preliminary review period is so long, at least half a month. I want to ask if the editor intentionally does not want it, has anyone encountered this situation? Please help me understand.

冶金小苦工 2021-04-15

Comparatively slow, submit by the end of November, revise the format by the end of January, start reviewing at the beginning of February, provide feedback on the review in April, and make minor revisions.

冶金小苦工 2021-01-16

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