Verified Reviews - Journal of the European Ceramic Society
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

yk6551953 2021-04-22

I used to not be very good in Chinese, but now I can stand shoulder to shoulder with native speakers.

东方月初 2021-04-16

2021.01.09 submitted
2021.01.11 with editor
2021.01.17 with editor, assigned to responsible editor
2021.01.19 under review
2021.02.09 compulsory major revision, 2 months. The reviewer raised 16 questions, and the editor raised 4 questions, all of which are very professional.
2021.03.11 submitted
2021.03.25 compulsory minor revision, 2 months
2021.04.14 submitted
2021.04.15 accept
Since being upgraded to Zone 1 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I feel that the requirements for innovation have increased, and it is not easy for articles to be accepted.

entertainment777 2021-04-14

2021.1.30 submit
2021.2.1 with editor
2021.2.8 under review
2021. 3.9 compulsory major revision
2021. 4.8 return reviewer comments
2021.4.8 with editor
2021.4.10 with editor

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