Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

09121101 2023-04-21

I would like to ask if, after submitting revisions for major revisions, the status of the paper will remain "editor assigned" or if it will go through another round of "under review."

老奶瓶 2023-04-21

2.26 Submission
3.23 Received major revisions
4.13 Submitted revised manuscript
I noticed that many people received acceptance just a few days after revisions. It has been over a week for me and it still says "editor assigned". I don't know why it's taking so long. It's really frustrating.

Aarion1209 2022-06-10

4.24 submit (submitted on April 24th)
4.25 under review (under review since April 25th)
5.9 major revision (requires major revisions by May 9th)
5.24 submit revision (submitted revised version on May 24th)
5.31 accept (accepted on May 31st)

This is the lowest impact factor (IF) SCI paper I submitted after consecutive rejections from ABC and JPBA. Chose this journal as it allows optional open access. Previously submitted to this journal from the lab, and the review process was fast, but the post-acceptance process was slower. Received a total of 10 comments from two reviewers, all of which were relatively easy to address. Hoping for a score above three. O(∩_∩)O

杨康 2021-11-24

Hello, could you please send me the citation format for this journal?

神秘来客 2021-08-15

How much is the layout fee, please?

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