Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

sdlka 2022-12-01

I have been submitting for 6 months. The first 3 months were normal peer review, with 6 comments from the reviewers, which were relatively friendly. In the following 2 revisions, the reviewers asked me to contact a foreigner on their behalf and provided an email for me to directly polish the article, which cost me $500 (at this point, I suspected it was an internal scam). After submitting the revised version, there were no further comments, and I waited for 2 months. Suddenly, the editor said it was rejected, and the reason given was that the reviewers felt that I used the word "transfer" incorrectly and lacked clinical research. They suggested that I submit to a sister journal without impact factor. The problem is, how can the reviewers suggest another journal when this journal is a sister journal? The editor-in-chief is Dr. Bernard Lee.

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