Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

幕客卿、 2023-07-15

Basically, there will be results within one month after the first review. If it is a major revision, the editor will return it to the reviewer. If it is a minor revision, it is likely to be accepted directly after the modifications are made.

开心的秋田 2023-03-16

Which partner has submitted this journal? Is the review period long?

希茅 2022-07-29

First submission + 1 month. Major revisions were done by one reviewer, who gave about 30 questions.
Major revisions took 20 days to return + 1 month. Minor revisions were made.
Minor revisions took 10 days to return, and were received the next day.

木菁菁菁 2022-06-30

2022.02.27: submitted to journal
2022.04.19: Major Revision, one reviewer was very detailed, made many requests, and added some content
2022.05.18: Resubmitted
2022.05.27: Minor Revision, the meticulous reviewer mentioned earlier raised some issues regarding details
2022.06.01: Submitted
2022.06.03: Accepted
2022.06.29: Published online
After acceptance, there were some miscellaneous issues, such as incorrect formula formatting and image clarity. Overall, grateful for the editor's patient communication.

小木 2021-12-08

2021.10.25: Submitted to journal
2021.11.1: Under review
2021.12.1: Minor revision (10 days)
2021.12.5: Revision submitted
2021.12.7: Accepted

红果果的锦鲤 2021-12-03

After finishing other papers, I had some leftover data. Following the principle of "even if it's just a watered-down SCI, it's still an SCI," I decided to submit it. The first external review was perfunctory, and two reviewers found several scattered errors, resulting in major revisions. Luckily, no additional experiments were required, and most of the issues were related to expression. After dragging on for a while, I made the necessary changes and resubmitted. One reviewer approved it, while the other made a few changes to punctuation and spacing in the manuscript. (This reviewer was really patient and meticulous.) Surprisingly, it was accepted the next evening. I am grateful to the editorial department for their incredibly efficient work. It took more than a month from start to finish, but if I hadn't been procrastinating during the major revision period, it probably could have been even faster.

无人知晓 2021-02-23

2020.11.3 Submission
2021.1.4 Major revision, 19 comments from the first review, not difficult to answer
2021.1.18 Submitted revised manuscript
2021.1.20 Sent for editing and review
2021.2.11 Received comments on New Year's Eve morning, minor revision with 2 comments
2021.2.13 Resubmitted
2021.1.16 Accepted
The efficiency of the magazine editors is very fast, but the efficiency of external review depends on the mood of the experts. I had to wait for two months to receive the feedback. Overall, it was still easy to be accepted.

失望中的希望鑫 2021-01-27

Submitted in September 2020, received review comments over two months later from two reviewers, with over 40 questions. After carefully revising it for a month, resubmitted the paper, underwent minor revisions once again, and accepted after half a month. The entire process took four months. This paper is more friendly towards the field of radioactive environment restoration and I recommend comrades engaged in related research to submit their work.

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