Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

科研小魔头 2022-10-04

May I ask if there is a page fee? I see that if I don't choose OA, there is no need for article processing fee. I'm not sure if there is a need for a page fee.

是二师兄呀 2021-04-01

Overall, it's quite reliable. The journal has a fast speed, and the reviewers are also very good. The advice given is very practical.
Submitted on 07 Dec 2020
Under review on 13 Dec 2020
Major revisions needed on 10 Jan 2021
Returned with first-round comments on 10 Feb 2021
Accepted in early March.

姚宇 2021-02-27

Why am I still waiting for external review after almost a year? Although I am not in a hurry, the speed is truly frustrating.

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